#----- ping_test (v4.27 2006/09/01) ---------------------------------
# This is the program locations configuration file for the ping_test program.
# Uncomment the lines that correspond to your operating system.  The program 
# locations are based on standard locations, but might need to be changed if 
# your installation is different.  Only change the path to the program. Don't 
# change any arguments on the program lines. They are required for ping_test 
# operation.

# Solaris values
#our $HOST_PGM ='/usr/ucb/hostname';
#our $LS_PGM ='/bin/ls';
#our $MAIL_PGM ='/usr/ucb/mail';
#our $NETSTAT_PGM ='/usr/bin/netstat -P tcp';
#our $PING_PGM ="/usr/sbin/ping -s -n ip_address 56 1";
#our $PS_PGM ='/bin/ps';
#our $RRDTOOL_PGM ='/usr/bin/rrdtool';
#our $SCP_PGM ='/opt/bin/scp';
#our $SSH_PGM ='/opt/bin/ssh';
#our $TELNET_PGM ='/usr/bin/telnet';
#our $TRACE_ROUTE_PGM ='/usr/sbin/traceroute -I';
#our $W_PGM ='/usr/bin/w';
#our $ZIP_PGM ='/usr/bin/zip';

# Linux 2.x values
#our $HOST_PGM ='/bin/hostname';
#our $LS_PGM ='/bin/ls';
#our $MAIL_PGM ='/bin/mail';
#our $NETSTAT_PGM ='/bin/netstat -t';
#our $PING_PGM ="/bin/ping -q -c 1 ip_address";
#our $PS_PGM ='/bin/ps';
#our $RRDTOOL_PGM ='/usr/bin/rrdtool';
#our $SCP_PGM ='/usr/bin/scp';
#our $SSH_PGM ='/usr/bin/ssh';
#our $TELNET_PGM ='/usr/bin/telnet';
#our $TRACE_ROUTE_PGM ='/usr/sbin/traceroute -I';
#our $W_PGM ='/usr/bin/w';
#our $ZIP_PGM ='/usr/bin/zip';

# cygwin 1.5.x values assuming standard install to c:\cygwin
# Note: You need to install the following non base cygwin packages:
#       ping
#       openssh
#       procps
#       zip
#       email
# You need to uncomment the correct location of tracert and netstat below
#our $NETSTAT_PGM ='/c/WINDOWS/system32/netstat';
#our $NETSTAT_PGM ='/c/WINNT/system32/netstat';
#our $TRACE_ROUTE_PGM ='/c/WINDOWS/system32/tracert';
#our $TRACE_ROUTE_PGM ='/c/WINNT/system32/tracert';
#our $HOST_PGM ='/usr/bin/hostname';
#our $LS_PGM ='/usr/bin/ls';
#our $MAIL_PGM ='/usr/bin/email';
#our $PING_PGM ="/usr/bin/ping -s -n ip_address 56 1";
#our $PS_PGM ='/usr/bin/procps';
#our $RRDTOOL_PGM ='/usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.15/rrdtool';
#our $SCP_PGM ='/usr/bin/scp';
#our $SSH_PGM ='/usr/bin/ssh';
#our $TELNET_PGM ='/usr/bin/telnet';
#our $W_PGM ='/usr/bin/w';
#our $ZIP_PGM ='/usr/bin/zip';

# Copyright: 2004-2006 by John R Larsen  -  john@larsen-family.us
# http://pingtest.sourceforge.net
# Released under the same Artistic license as perl